1 Jar
1 avocado
½ garlic clove
2 msk olive oil
1 tsk lemon juice
½ tsk salt
1 krm black pepper
Ingredients bottom@2x
Avocados contain a whole bunch of healthy fats that do wonders for your heart, arteries, nerves and cells, and they provide the body with fat-soluble vitamins that can be tricky to get into your diet in other ways.
Crush or chop the garlic and put it in a mid-sized bowl. Split the avocado, remove the stone, and scoop out the inside with a spoon.
Add oil and lemon juice. Mash the avocado with a fork, then add salt and black pepper to taste. Remember to cover the guacamole with some plastic wrap before it’s time to serve, as avocado easily turns brown when exposed to the air.