Smokey Bean
1 Large Jar
4 dl boiled kidney beans
1 dl boiled chickpeas
2 garlic cloves
2 msk tomato paste
1 tsk soy sauce, dark
1-2 msk oil
½ tsk sambal oelek
1 tsk salt
½ tsk black pepper
~½ tsk liquid smoke
Ingredients bottom@2x
Liquid smoke has its aroma from genuine smoke from wood, usually hickory. The smoke passes through a tube from a combustion chamber, filled with wood chips, to a condenser. In the condenser, the smoke cools and forms a liquid, aided by the addition of water.
Mix all ingredients except liquid smoke in a food processor. Blend to desired consistency.
Add liquid smoke and stir well. Season to taste with salt, black pepper and perhaps more liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is very concentrated and a small dose gives a very strong smoke flavor.